
Embracing Change Through Atomic Habits

As a parent and entrepreneur, I’m always exploring ways to enhance my life and that of my children. Parenting is a rewarding journey filled with joyful moments and challenges, and it requires continuous learning. Leading by example and improving our habits is one of the best ways to succeed in both parenting and business. James…

As a parent and entrepreneur, I’m always exploring ways to enhance my life and that of my children. Parenting is a rewarding journey filled with joyful moments and challenges, and it requires continuous learning. Leading by example and improving our habits is one of the best ways to succeed in both parenting and business. James Clear’s “Atomic Habits” provides incredible insights that have been a game-changer for me. Here are some key takeaways I’m excited to share:


1. “Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement.” Small, consistent changes can lead to big results over time. Start small.

2. The Four Laws of Behavior Change:

   – Make it obvious: Visual cues help us stay on task such as sticky notes. I even leave them for the kids at times. 

   – Make it attractive: We link professional tasks with positive outcomes, like transforming landscapes or advancing an athlete’s career.

   – Make it easy: Breaking down complex tasks, such as college prep for my son Lucas, with the help of Jennifer Severini-Kresock has made it much more manageable.

   – Make it satisfying: Ensure your desired behavior is rewarding, increasing the likelihood of repetition.

3. Celebrate successes! Acknowledging milestones fuels my drive. I tend to celebrate success with a special coffee. 

4. Find your support system. Collaborating with people who specialize in a certain area, like Jennifer Severini-Kresock for college prep, underscores the value of strong support.

5. Use habit tracking. Whether marking progress in business projects or personal goals, simple tracking boosts motivation. I love checking things off on Asana. 

6. Persistence pays off. Juggling multiple businesses and parenting has been challenging but rewarding through perseverance. Just taking it one day at a time. 

7. The process over the goal. Focusing on daily actions, whether selling sheds or planning college applications, proves more effective than fixating on outcomes.

8. The Two-Minute Rule: Addressing small tasks promptly, from emails to quick fixes or even cleaning up the house, enhances efficiency. If it takes less than 2 minutes to complete, don’t put it off! 

9. Focus on one habit at a time. Addressing challenges, whether in parenting or business, incrementally leads to better results.

10. Patience is key. Recognizing that progress in parenting and business takes time is essential. Give yourself time to adapt to the new habit. 

 I’m currently decluttering my digital workspace and organizing my desk to foster a more productive environment. I invite you to join me in this journey of self-improvement. Share a habit you’re working on, and let’s support each other in making positive changes! 💪✨

Stay tuned for a future blog post detailing my progress and the transformation these insights have sparked. You can listen to the full podcast eposide on this topic that was released on Sole Sisters Podcast. Remember, change is a journey, not a destination. In the meantime, you can read more from James Clear Atomic Habits or subscribe to his email at jamesclear.com

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