
The Return Home

It’s been a while since opening up this blog but it’s been weighing heavy on my heart. It’s something that I often think about- let me sit down and write and then I get into doing the laundry, updating website, feeding pets or running to another practice. I often think about where my websites would…

It’s been a while since opening up this blog but it’s been weighing heavy on my heart. It’s something that I often think about- let me sit down and write and then I get into doing the laundry, updating website, feeding pets or running to another practice. I often think about where my websites would be if I had kept going…bucktownbargains, Jamberry Nails, Eventful Moms, the Build Your Influence Summit, The Hat Club Podcast, the networking and blogging events, I really can go on and on. There is no looking back because I wouldn’t be where I am today if not for the experiences, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. It just wasn’t the right time, that doesn’t mean that I forgot about those past businesses or the friends that I made a long the way. I have never stopped sharing and supporting small businesses on social or through word of mouth. I have never stopped connecting or recommending businesses to people that would be a good fit, I have still been working behind the scenes. It feels like the right time to start back up as a enter a new season of working from home with more flexibility to share my journey through blogging, motherhood, business and personal development. I think what the biggest challenge for me was picking a lane, but it has taken me years to learn that it’s ok that I don’t pick just one lane, it’s about the journey not the destination. That’s something that I am always telling the kids but it’s advice that I need to also adopt. Here is to the return home. A home built online with so many great community members.

Welcome back friends.

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