Susan Glusica is the UNRIVALED REALIZER, known for humanizing the fastest path to inviting in and receiving more money because she is a stand for UNAPOLOGETIC PROSPERITY. What she wants for herself, she wants for everyone! After 20 years in the “corporate cubicle” side of the financial services industry, she had a crisis of legacy and could no longer see her impact in the world and wanted proximity with clients. In order to make a bigger, bolder difference in her life and the lives of others, she founded Unrivaled Realizations LLC and created her signature group coaching program, Money Realities & Realizations. Through her discovery of the 7 Money Realities, she created a powerfully practical method for attracting and realizing more money. In 2019 she created a quick results program to add $8K+ to your bank account in 30 days or sooner.
Susan is also an international best-selling author, a Certified Speaker by Women’s Prosperity Network (WPN) and Leader of WPN’s Orange County Chapter 2016-2018. Susan resides in the scenic 4-season resort area of Northern Poconos in Pennsylvania with her husband and cat. More information found on
Sign up for Susan’s 7 Day More Money is a Choice Challenge
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