Dr. Nicole Kumi is a behavioral health professional, author, and advocate for mental health. Nicole founded Kumi Training and Development as an opportunity to take her learning and share with other like minded individuals in the behavioral health field. After a personal experience with Postpartum depression she had decided that women have stayed silent for far too long and deserve the attention and assistance necessary to overcome this illness. Nicole uses her platform to provide education around PPD, initiate advocacy for women with PPD and has spoken about her journey and where it led her today. Nicole has extensive history with the juvenile justice and behavioral health systems and is passionate about improving our understanding of the importance of mental health in all facets.
For more information on training by Nicole you can visit Kumi Training and Development .
If you have any questions for Nicole or feel that you may need some guidance on Post Pardom Depression, please reach out to her via email nicbur20@gmail.com. You can purchase Postpartum My Language on Amazon.
‘The Hat Club‘, is a group created by Jenna Urban for women who just want to be part of a community that builds each other up and motivates us to fulfill our dreams. We are talking about the coolest group on facebook- for real- we are just a bunch of real women who wear so many different hats throughout the day. This is a trusting place where we can all connect and chat about the craziness of all those hats.
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