Finding joy in the little things—that’s the beauty of parenting
A few years ago, I found myself complaining about all the time spent in the car, feeling like an Uber driver for my kids. Then, a veteran mom gave me some sage advice: “Turn off the radio and talk. They’ll soon be driving themselves.” It’s a reminder I often reflect on when life feels repetitive.…
A few years ago, I found myself complaining about all the time spent in the car, feeling like an Uber driver for my kids. Then, a veteran mom gave me some sage advice: “Turn off the radio and talk. They’ll soon be driving themselves.” It’s a reminder I often reflect on when life feels repetitive. The saying “the days are long but the years are short” has never been more true. With our oldest nearing 18, it’s rare for him to be in the car with us or need rides. But over the past six months, as we’ve been taking college visits, these have become the most rewarding trips. I shut off the music, and we just talk—brainstorming, writing essays, making to-do lists, discussing future plans. I wouldn’t trade that time for anything. As we approach many of his senior year “lasts,” I’m reminded of the joy in the little things.
I am fully aware that there is no way to keep my foot on the break – college happens, kids move, and life changes. Those letting-go moments, when part of your heart leaves, seems impossible. But there’s beauty in the journey—the pride in seeing them thrive and the bittersweet memories of years gone by.
So today, if you find yourself questioning what you’re doing or wondering if it matters, let me tell you as a mom who is knee deep: it’s the everyday moments that count. Keep showing up, doing your best, loving. And if you see a mom with tears in her eyes, chances are she’s in the midst of letting go. Be kind, smile, and know those tears are a mix of joy, sadness, pride, and letting go all at once.
Release the break and enjoy the ride
xoxo, Jenna
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